ClotCare: Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack
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Anticoagulation Training Programs

Updated August, 2013

Below you will find information on a number of anticoagulation training programs provided in variety of settings. If you know of an anticoagulation training program that you would like to see added to this list, please let us know by sending an email to If you are looking for continuing education opportunities, click here.

  1. Anticoagulation Therapy Management Certificate Program (University of Southern Indiana - Internet Course)

  2. Anticoagulation Certificate Program from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy

  3. Anticoagulation Traineeship from the University of Connecticut

  4. Stop the Clot®: What Every Healthcare Professional Should Know

  5. ISTH Academy – the premier education site for thrombosis and haemostasis

  6. Anticoagulation Boot Camp, Presented by the Anticoagulation Forum

Anticoagulation Therapy Management Certificate Program (University of Southern Indiana)

Description of Program
This interactive Internet Certificate Program is a six week, 40 hour continuing education program for nurses, pharmacists and physicians. Effective anticoagulation therapy requires systematic, coordinated patient care management by prepared anticoagulation therapy providers. This program focuses on the physiology and pathophysiology of thromboembolic disorders, patient assessment and management, pharmacology of antithrombotic agents, patient education and program administrative procedures. The content was designed utilizing the competencies for anticoagulation therapy providers developed by the Certified Anticoagulation Provider Working Group and has been reviewed by local and national experts.

Who Should Enroll in this Program
This program is designed for English-speaking nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and other health care practitioners who have, or want to prepare for, responsibility for monitoring and managing outpatient anticoagulation therapy.

For complete program details, visit the USI website at

Contact: 1-877-USI-HLTH (874-4584) or 812-461-5217 or e-mail


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Anticoagulation Certificate Program from Univ. of Florida

When: Ongoing

Where: Online Internet course with facilitator

Attendees: This program is intended for pharmacists wishing to increase knowledge and skills to assist in caring for patients requiring anticoagulation therapy.

Offered by: The University of Florida College of Pharmacy

Credit: The College of Pharmacy will award 3 continuing pharmacy education credits (3 CEU's) upon completion of all modules and a Certificate from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, indicating that you have completed a rigorous course of study in Anticoagulation Therapy.

Description and Additional Information: Additional information is provided at

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Anticoagulation Traineeship from the University of Connecticut

A 2-day practice-based traineeship continuing education activity for registered pharmacists, APRN’s and Physicians who are interested in the clinical management of patients on anticoagulant therapy and/or who are looking to expand their practice to involve patient management of outpatient anticoagulation therapy. This traineeship will provide you with both the clinical and administrative aspects of a pharmacist-managed outpatient anticoagulation clinic. The activity features ample time to individualize your learning experience. A “Certificate of Completion”, suitable for framing, will be awarded upon successful completion of the traineeship.

For details and registration information, visit

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Stop the Clot®: What Every Healthcare Professional Should Know

Target Audience: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants

Description: Self-paced online course on the risk, prevention, and treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism (DVT/PE) and blood clotting disorders.

Content: 1/Basics of Clotting; 2/Basics of Thrombophilia; 3/Anticoagulant Medications; 4/Prevention of Post-Thrombotic Syndrome and Pulmonary Hypertension; 5/Prevention of DVT/PE Recurrence

Continuing Education: Available for nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, physician assistants, and physicians.

For details or to register and access the course, visit

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ISTH Academy – the premier education site for thrombosis and haemostasis

The ISTH Academy’s content is provided to all who are looking for a working knowledge of thrombosis: from clinicians working with thrombosis patients and those training in internal medicine, haematology or vascular biology to (bio)medical students and researchers.

The ISTH Academy’s modules take you through many aspects of thrombosis, including its basis in the coagulation system, etiology and prognosis, diagnosis and management.

As well as educational, the modules are interactive and multimedia, featuring a number of fascinating key lectures from leading experts in their field, contemporary conceptual animations and traditional, paper-based learning.

To review the ISTH Academy educational modules, go to

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Anticoagulation Boot Camp

January 16 & 17, 2014
Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay

The Anticoagulation Forum invites you to enroll in their basic training program designed for clinicians who are either new to the field of anticoagulation, interested in a refresher course, or preparing for a certification exam. This case-based training program will be limited to 75 participants in order to provide ample time for Q&A and personal interaction with our expert faculty. The curriculum will cover the essential aspects of anticoagulation, disease state, and drug management.

Additional Information & Registration:

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Thursday, February 13, 2025